Complete Your Smile With Dental Implants

Dental implants are an increasingly popular form of tooth replacement designed to provide a more permanent and secure solution than traditional bridges or dentures. At Tracey Tabor Williams DMD in Indianapolis, we are pleased to offer this procedure to help our patients regain confidence in their smiles.

What issues do dental implants correct?

Dental implants are a great way to restore the form and function of your natural teeth, whether it is one tooth or several teeth in an arch. They can also secure dentures that irritate or be used as an alternative to partial dentures and crown and bridge treatment. Dental implants can also benefit patients with teeth removed due to infection, gum disease, or accidents.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Implants look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. They can also help preserve the jawbone from deterioration, keep adjacent teeth from shifting out of place, and provide an overall improved quality of life.

How long is the recovery time?

This depends on several factors specific to your case. The type of implant, location, and number of implants can all affect the recovery process. Generally, it can take up to several months as your body adjusts to the implants. We recommend eating soft foods and maintaining a good oral hygiene routine during this time.

Who is a suitable candidate for dental implants?

Patients in good general health, with sufficient bone density for implant placement, and healthy gums are usually considered good candidates for the procedure. As always, we recommend a thorough consultation with our qualified dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Contact our team at Tracey Tabor Williams DMD with any questions or concerns you may have about dental implants. We will thoroughly assess your medical condition and discuss whether this treatment is right for you.

Contact Tracey Tabor Williams, DMD, About Dental Implants Today!

  • Permanently replace missing teeth
  • Chew food properly and improve your digestion
  • Regain clarity when you are speaking
  • Rebuild your smiling confidence and self-esteem
  • Look and feel more attractive!

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